Meet the history of our company
Visit our Journey from inception till date. We have worked hard to achieve all milestones listed below

Started working of our Chikki plant essentials with all ground work completion
We have extensovely worked on Chikki Market and understood the Process in depth, Further after doing Brainstorming we concluded and freezed the way forward on our chikki plant initative
We made the praposal ready for next Line of action.
Initiated the First Batch process of our chikki product at newly established plant
WE completed the manufacturing set up with all trails and check to established our Pocessing live with desired capacity.All protocal and GMP followed to produce quality Product
We sticked to bests Quality Norms and endorsed our Process towards Unoform standard of prodcut

Established Operation with equal support of Marketing
We realalised and established the all support system other than operations (manufacturing) to establish us as reputed chikki manufacturer with in area.
Build up sales nd marketing tem to increse our foot prent in market
Enhanced Product range from one product to four product
After positive reponse and great feedback we worked on our prodcut range and added more to our list. Now we are having four as developed product and three more in pipe line to market at earliest
With this wide product range we are inching towards our goal of being reputed Chikki manufacturer